Tweet Your Way to Business Success: Part 1 of the Social Media for Business Series

April 6, 2022

Short and sweet does the trick; with 280 characters, your organization can easily express your brand identity on Twitter. Since its founding in 2006, Twitter has amassed a large audience and attracts a myriad of subcultures and industries. This has allowed Twitter to amplify the thoughts of public figures, regular people, and businesses all in the same platform. Twitter’s constant flow of ideas, thoughts, and content constantly challenges users and businesses to share concise, quality content. Conversations and trends can move at rapid speeds and it can be challenging to keep up while accurately representing your brand identity. Let’s explore ways to optimize your business’s presence on Twitter.

The first step is to identify your industry and your target audience on Twitter. Follow key figures, companies, and industry hashtags in accordance with your audience. Fill your feed with content that aligns with your company’s brand and will resonate with your audience. This will make it easy for you to retweet and share other people’s content that will relate to your followers.

As you explore content to share, check out the trending page. Some topics may not be relevant to your business, but if there is an opportunity for your company to jump into a popular conversation, take it.

Once you are ready to start posting your own tweets, keep these tips in mind as you craft relevant and original content.

1. Stay true to your brand voice and branding guidelines if you post any supporting visual materials.

2. Remember that Twitter is all about sharing bite-sized hot takes. Find the topics that appeal to your audience in order to spark conversation or share information.

3. Experiment with your posts. Review your metrics to see what topics and posts your audience engages with and adjust your strategy as you go.

4. As you experiment with your posting strategy, try engaging your audience with polls, graphics, and videos.

Polls: Check out this example from Wendy’s. This poll about their fries gave them a chance to engage with their audience and let them showcase their informal brand voice.

Graphics: Whether they are illustrated, infographics, or photos, visuals are especially helpful when sharing information on Twitter. If your brand voice is more casual, feel free to incorporate memes and gifs when appropriate. When sharing a blog post, tips, or how-to’s, visual content can help draw your audience in and explain complex ideas without wasting characters. See how Semrush explains link building with this graphic.

Videos: The Agency Playbook from Twitter found that tweets with videos receive 10 times more engagement than other tweets. If you want to start incorporating video into your Twitter strategy, our product VideoRequest lets you easily record, edit, and post videos to Twitter, all from one platform. Check out this video created by Insightpath intern, Krystlle Fajardo, giving an overview of Insightpath’s Twitter strategy.

With these tips, you are well on your way to improving your company’s Twitter strategy. Make the most out of your Twitter presence by giving your audience interesting, industry-specific, and trending content. All social media content involves trial and error and experimentation, so don’t let this discourage you. Tapping into the Twitter consciousness of your industry will help you organically build credibility and strengthen your reputation.

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