LinkedIn: The Social Media Hub for Businesses: Part 5 of the Social Media for Business Series

May 4, 2022

With over 722 million users, LinkedIn is the social media platform for all things business. It’s the perfect platform for B2B marketing, attracting new employees, and growing your business. Let’s explore these reasons why:

  1. Over 100 million users interact with LinkedIn every day. A large audience holds a lot of promise for your business to find future employees and clients.
  2. 94% of B2B marketers benefit LinkedIn for content marketing. Because LinkedIn is the most popular professional social media platform, it is a good digital space to target professionals and other businesses.

Having a presence on LinkedIn can be advantageous for your business, if used correctly. Keep these tips in mind as you get started on LinkedIn.

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page

If you aren’t already on LinkedIn, create a personal account first. Having a LinkedIn account allows you to create a company page. Once you’ve created your page, fill out all relevant business information. You also have the option to customize your LinkedIn URL.

Users can find your page through keywords so be sure to incorporate them into your LinkedIn company profile. Filling out information and details on your page is essential; companies with complete profiles get 30% more views.

Crafting Content for LinkedIn

Now comes content creation; what should you be posting on LinkedIn and how can you effectively post content? Take your target audience into consideration when brainstorming content. As we mentioned in Part 2 of this series, establishing content pillars is a great way to stay organized and accumulate content ideas. Choose which areas you’d like to focus on and share your expertise on these target areas.

Your page should ideally be a blend of your content pillars and different post formats. Here are some examples of different types of content you can post on LinkedIn:

  1. Share relevant industry news that your audience would find interesting.
  2. If your organization writes blogs or other written posts, share them so your audience can easily find them.
  3. Share event information, e.g. webinars, tradeshows, that your organization is attending or hosting.
  4. Alert your audience about updates to your product or service when relevant.

LinkedIn is a great platform for prospecting, but it is also a place that prospective employees will check out when job searching. Be sure to include posts that show off your company culture or give updates about the job openings at your company.

LinkedIn PollLinkedIn offers a variety of options for post formats, including visuals, text, polls, and videos. Incorporate each of these formats into your posting strategy to keep your page engaging to your LinkedIn audience. Polling is a great way to engage your audience while collecting their opinions. We recently polled our LinkedIn audience a week before we launched our company TikTok to introduce the idea to our audience.


It’s best practice to keep your LinkedIn posts short and sweet. LinkedIn posts with less text are more likely to be appealing to users. This is why using video is a great idea for your LinkedIn content strategy. Videos earn an average of three times more engagement than text posts on LinkedIn. Using our VideoRequest platform, you can easily create and share videos right to your LinkedIn page.

Make the Most of LinkedIn’s Insights

Assessing the growth metrics of your posted content is the best way to refine and enhance your social media strategy. LinkedIn provides insights and analytics for each post and your page as a whole. LinkedIn also shows the demographics of your followers, the accounts that visit your page, and the overall effectiveness of your posts.

Use LinkedIn’s insights to your business advantage. Regularly review these insights to assess the success of your strategy and make adjustments to it as you go.

Attracting Prospective Employees on LinkedIn

Encourage your employees to engage with your company content. Higher levels of engagements will help your brand reach more and more people. Furthermore, employee engagement shows that your employees are enthusiastic about working at your company. Their endorsement means more than any other and will resonate with prospective applicants.

You can also use LinkedIn to post any job openings at your company. 49 million people search for jobs on LinkedIn every week. Having job openings along with company shares from employees all on LinkedIn can help sell your organization to job searchers and encourage them to apply.

Building Business Connections

As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs in this series, social media is a great tool for strengthening connections with other businesses. Interact with other businesses that you work with or are in your industry by liking, sharing, and commenting on their posts. These connections can help you reach internal goals and also serves to broaden your audience.

With these tips in mind, you are now ready to start growing your presence on LinkedIn. Remember to evolve your strategy over time based on analytics and to experiment with your content. Establishing a strong presence on LinkedIn will help your business grow, not only from a client perspective, but also help you find new prospective employees.

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