Celebrate Milestones with Video

September 19, 2023

How do you celebrate major events in your life? Maybe you go out to dinner, pop some champagne, or get together with friends and family. If it’s not too on-brand for us to say, we have recently been turning to video to celebrate! We have seen a number of our customers create “celebration videos” in VideoRequest. Let’s explore what these are.

A celebration video is a compilation video that includes messages from key people celebrating a milestone. It can be set to music, include fun embellishments, and can be as long as necessary. Some celebration videos that our customers have created include:

Birthday Celebration Videos

Is anyone in your life or at your company celebrating a major birthday soon? We’ve seen people use VideoRequest to easily collect messages from friends, colleagues, or family members, to create one video with birthday messages. Once the videos are collected, you can easily compile them into one larger video in VideoRequest. You can easily enliven the birthday videos by adding some fun music underneath.

Company Anniversary Videos

Similar to birthday messages, invite your colleagues to share messages and memories when someone reaches a significant milestone at your company. Include different prompts to help people when recording a message, such as a favorite memory, a fun moment you remember, or a time that person helped you at work.

New Team Member Videos

There’s no greater way to welcome a new colleague than with a video compilation. Invite members of the person’s team to record messages of welcome and advice as they get started in their new role. We’ve also seen this done as a welcome for an incoming president of a company. These kinds of videos can be a great surprise and shows the thought and care put into welcoming the new team member.

Celebration videos are meant to be shared with the individual recipient, but you can also ask to share them on social media or on an internal company blog. These kinds of videos are a great way to develop relationships across your company and strengthen your company culture. Start creating your own celebration videos in VideoRequest today!

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