4 Reasons Why You Should Be Using More Videos

January 24, 2022


The fact of the matter is; video content is here to stay. Our brains retain visual content better than words. Studies have shown that the average viewer will remember 95% of a message when watched, versus 10% when read (Medium). Even more, video is engaging, easy to understand, and easier to create than ever. Let’s explore these four reasons why your organization should be using more videos.

1. People Enjoy Videos

The number one reason for using more video content? People want it! According to studies, 54% of consumers want to see branded content from businesses and 55% of people consume video content thoroughly rather than skimming. This tells us that people really enjoy watching videos. Therefore, the best way to continue to delight your audience is by giving them content they want.

Today’s viewers expect video content for everything, whether it is for personal entertainment or content for work. Video content is engaging and helpful for any topic which is why people are always looking for more of it.

2. Video Makes Things Easier to Understand

Video is a great tool to employ to help your audience learn more about something, whether it is about your industry or the benefits of using your product. According to HubSpot, 94% of marketers say that video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service. With video, you can explain things more easily than you can with words or images, which is another reason why people like it.

3. Video Fosters Trust

Today’s consumers can be skeptical and are not as willing to take a written testimonial at face value. They need to know that you aren’t hiding behind empty words and that your product actually does what you say it does. This is another way video can help.

With video, you can show exactly why your product is helpful. You can show customers using and discussing your product in a video testimonial. Seeing real people on video makes it easier for viewers to connect with that person and your brand. With video, you can encourage trust between consumers and your brand. This is why 90% of customers say that video has helped influence them into making purchase decisions.

4. Video is Easier to Create Than Ever

Now that we’ve hyped up the importance of video, here’s the best news of all: video has never been easier to create. You already have the best tool for video creation, your phone! With the high-quality cameras on today’s smartphones, you can create an impressive video with just your phone. There’s no need to invest in an expensive camera.

Furthermore, video editing platforms come in all shapes and sizes; they are as complex or as simple as you need them to be. You can find one that suits your needs at any price point.

There’s no time to waste, it’s time to increase your investment with video. Get started today with VideoRequest, an easy-to-use tool for collecting videos from your customers, employees, and more.  Learn about it here.


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